Thursday, December 29, 2011

Good Gifts for Men

!±8± Good Gifts for Men

We put a lot of thought into our list of good gifts for men this year. Just in time to help you in finding the best Christmas gift for a man in your life. It can be a daunting task. Of course, you can go with the same iPod, iPhone, iThis, iThat, but those are gifts every other man (or every other human) on the block will get.

To make it onto the list of Best Christmas Gifts for Men we preferred to go with something unique, useful for years to come, and available at a reasonable price. Something every other man on the block will see and say "Wow, what a great gift. Who thought of that?" It doesn't have to be the most expensive gift. All in all, we (men) are pretty simple. So take a look at a few of these ideas. If you don't see anything that catches your eye, come back soon - we'll be adding to it.

GPS Systems for Under 0

GPS systems have to be on the list of Good Gifts for Men. They will certainly be at the top of the list of the Best Christmas Gifts for 2010. But don't delay if a GPS is on your list, they are sure to sell out fast. Although portable GPS devices are great for men and women, they are definitely on our list of Top Tech Gifts for Men. Afterall, men don't ask for directions, but they will take directions from a sleek, new GPS system.

With products like the TomTom 330XL or the Garmin Nuvi 255W hovering under 0, these are cool Christmas gifts that will keep giving year after year. Portable GPS systems are simple to use, right out of the box so you don't have the Christmas-morning frustrations of assembly, loading software, etc.

You also have a huge selection of GPS devices that are feature-packed and beautifully designed so if your budget permits, and your recipient appreciates the latest technology, check out the Garmin Nuvi 3790T, for instance.

Kindle e-book Reader

Kindles are already a top-seller and the Holiday season has just begun. Kindles, of course, are on the list of Good Gifts for Men...women, even children. If you're spending 0 - 0 on someone special, Kindles are terrific gifts that will keep giving, year after you. They also provide you with gift alternatives for years to come - Kindle Books!

But if you want one of these gems, click on the link below and place your order. Do not pass GO (it will take too long), do not collect 0 (it will take even longer), just go buy it now. They will definitely sell out before you know it. This is one that's on my Christmas list.

Headlamps / Headlights (for the outdoorsy, or not-so-outdoorsy type)

Headlamps or Headlights are kind of like SUV's...very few people need anything that will climb a rocky slope or cruise effortlessly over a babbling brook, but we all want to be able to. Whether we camp or hike or fish or hunt, a headlamp is fantastically useful, which puts them on the list of Good Gifts for Men. I may look funny wearing mine, but it makes me feel like a MAN!

Headlamps are one of those items where you get what you pay for. The longevity is the biggest factor, with many made so cheaply that they simply won't last. Other factors to consider are the candle power, lighting features (emergency strobes, red filters), energy saving features and of course, comfort. Here are three excellent choices at slightly different price points.

If you choose a headlamp, be ready Christmas night...he may wear it to bed!


Yes, it's true, men love their flashlights. And we don't mean those cheap, girly plastic things. We want METAL. These are great gifts that we love and they happen to be very useful. Here are a couple of options, from big to small, inexpensive to not-too-expensive.

When you want a flashlight, especially one for a man, MagLite is the only way to go. The big, burly Mag-Lite ST3D016 3-D Cellflashlight uses LED bulbs and is made of strong aluminum alloy. It's large enough that it won't get lost, strong enough to be nearly indestructible, and it could even be used as a weapon. On the small side, consider the Gerber 22-80012 Infinity Ultra Task LED model. It's compact, sturdy and it's waterproof to about 10'.

Emergency Weather Radio:

As men, we have this innate drive to protect our family. Whether it's global warming, the coming apocalypse or just a series of environmental extremes, our weather has been dangerous at times. No home, and certainly no man, should be without an emergency / weather radio. There are some excellent products available that include multiple power sources and cell phone chargers, both critically-important features for an emergency radio, and priced below .

Manly Blankets and Throws

Yeah, I know, this is risky. But people always joke about men and our beloved chairs so why not have a nice, manly, comfortable blanket to go with it...just don't buy anything with a color they call "Kiwi" or "Berry" or "Peacock". But if you go for a navy or burgundy or something like that, this will be a favorite on those cold days. And by all means, stay away from things with cute little pictures of cats and yappy dogs on them. Something themed is good, like the Patriots fleece below, but make sure you get the right team! Here are a couple of suggestions: New English Patriots Gridiron Fleece; Berkshire Serasoft Throw; Columbia Coral Fleece Throw; Dallas Cowboys Throw.

Good Gifts for Men

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Gerber Good Start Protect PLUS, Powder, Case Pack 24-Ounce Can (Pack of 6)

!±8± Gerber Good Start Protect PLUS, Powder, Case Pack 24-Ounce Can (Pack of 6)

Brand : Good Start | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Dec 26, 2011 11:37:01 | N/A

Nestle New Look- Same Nutritionformerly Good Start Supreme Natural Cultures Powder -The first infant formula with BIFIDUS BL beneficial cultures like those found in breastmilk to help support Baby's healthy immune system1 -Plus gentle 100% whey COMFORT PROTEINS@ designed to be easy to digest -Complete nutrition in a milk-based formula -DHA & ARA for Baby s brain and eye developmentThe PLUS is the extra step we take to create easy-to-digest COMFORT PROTEINS.Supporting Baby s Natural DefensesGOOD START Protect PLUS Formula is a breakthrough infant formula designed to help support Baby's healthy immune system in a whole new way. And a healthy immune system provides Baby with important natural defenses.-The first infant formula with BIFIDUS BL beneficial cultures like those found in breastmilk to help support Baby's healthy immune system. -One way these beneficial cultures can help support Baby's healthy immune system is by increasing levels of key antibodies. -They also can help support the natural protective barrier in the digestive tract where about 70% of the body's immune system is found.2Experts agree that breastmilk is the ideal source of nutrition and protection for Baby. However, if you decide to formula-feed, you can be assured that GOOD START Protect PLUS Formula will provide Baby with complete nutirtion and a unique combination of benefits no other formula provides, including easy-to-digest COMFORT PROTEINS, beneficial cultures BIFIDUS BL, and DHA & ARA .A Unique Combination of BenefitsGOOD START Protect PLUS Formula offers complete nutrition, plus a checklist of ingredients that no other formula can complete.Only GOOD START Protect PLUS Formula provides ALL these important ingredients-BIFIDUS BL Beneficial cultures like those found in breastmilk, to help support Baby's healthy immune system. -COMFORT PROTEINS Gentle 100% whey proteins broken down into smaller pieces to be easy to digest in Baby's developing tummy. -DHA & ARA components naturally found in

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  • Beneficial probiotic cultures increase levels of key antibodies
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Monday, December 19, 2011

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A wonderful evening of dance, poetry and music. Dancers from Kacico Contemporary Dance Company shared their talents with Kansas City finest poets and the musicians from River Cow Orchestra. The artistry was improvised and spontaneous. An amazing event hosted by The Writer's Place of Kansas City.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Torn Rotator Cuff

!±8± Torn Rotator Cuff

In an adult population, rotator cuff tears are the most common cause of debilitating shoulder pain and disability, with approximately 300,000 rotator cuff surgeries performed annually in the United States. The diagnosis and management of rotator cuff disease places a significant financial burden on the U.S. economy, amounting to an annual cost of 3 billion dollars.

What is the anatomy and function of the rotator cuff?

The rotator cuff consists of four muscles (namely the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis) that act in concert to both stabilize and move the shoulder joint. Due to the function of these muscles, sports which involve a lot of shoulder rotation - for example, serving in tennis, pitching in baseball, swimming, kayaking - often put the rotator cuff muscles under a lot of stress.

These muscles arise from the shoulder blade and insert on the humeral head to create a continuous cuff around the shoulder joint, and provide a link from the trunk to the arm. The ball (humeral head) and its socket (glenoid) have relatively little inherent stability, and have often been compared to a golf ball resting on a golf tee. In this capacity, an intact rotator cuff is essential to provide stability to the joint by a compressing the humeral head into the concave glenoid. A large torn rotator cuff, particularly of the subscapularis, can render the joint at risk for instability and dislocation.

The deltoid and rotator cuff muscles work synergistically to maintain a balance of forces around the shoulder joint in every direction. The deltoid and infraspinatus/teres minor maintain a balance in the vertical plane, while the subscapularis and infraspinatus balance each other in the horizontal plane. With lifting of the arm, the deltoid generates an upward force that is resisted by the downward force produced by the rotator cuff muscles, preventing a loss of reduction of the humeral head on the glenoid. A tear in these muscles can disrupt this balance of forces and compromise normal shoulder joint motion. In fact, a high riding humeral head that shifts superiorly off the glenoid with raising of the arm can be seen in the setting of a massive tear.

What is a torn rotator cuff?

A torn rotator cuff is a disruption in the integrity of the tendon at the insertion into the humeral head. Tendons connect the rotator cuff muscle belly to bone. Most commonly, tears involve the supraspinatus tendon but can involve any combination or all four of the rotator cuff tendons. The mechanism of injury can be highly variable. A torn rotator cuff can result from trauma such as a fall on the shoulder or after a shoulder dislocation. More commonly, however, athletes suffer this injury from repetitive wear and tear activities that strain and chronically fail the tendon. Such tears are particularly prevalent in overhead athletes and are often seen in tennis players, baseball pitches, javelin throwers, swimmers, and football quarterbacks. Sometimes, a narrow space for passage of tendon underneath the acromion can result in direct mechanical abrasion of the tendon. This has been termed outlet impingement and is commonly referred to as impingement syndrome. A prominent acromial spur and thickened bursal tissue in the subacromial space can abrade the tendon running underneath.

How does a torn rotator cuff occur in athletes?

Damage and ultimately tearing of the rotator cuff tendons has been attributed to either static or dynamic causes. Static changes refer to impingement and mechanical abrasion of the tendons from narrowing of the subacromial space, most commonly due to roughness or "spurring" on the underside of the acromion or thickening of the coracoacromial ligament. On the other hand, a torn rotator cuff can result from abnormal dynamic motion of the humeral head and cuff relative to scapula, leading to abnormal strain on the tendon and tearing on either the joint or bursal side. For example, muscle weakness can allow the humeral head to rise higher towards the acromion and is considered to be one of the most common dynamic causes of a torn rotator cuff in athletes.

A torn rotator cuff result when the muscles and tendons of the rotator cuff become frayed under the acromion bone of the shoulder. This occurs both with aging as well as in younger people who perform repetitive overhead activities. Baseball pitchers as well as occupations that require overhead work are two examples of people at risk of sustaining rotator cuff tears. Pedro Martinez and Randy Johnson are both examples of professional, hall-of-fame bound pitchers who developed this injury.

What is the natural history of rotator cuff tears in athletes?

Many patients with rotator cuff tears are asymptomatic. As many as 50% of people over the age of 60 years may have rotator cuff tears. Correspondingly, however, many patients with shoulder pain may not have a cuff tear. In addition, the presence of a rotator cuff tear in a patient with shoulder pain does not necessarily mean that the tear is the primary cause of pain. It is clear, however, that patients with asymptomatic tears are at a high risk for symptom progression over time.

Unfortunately, these tears do not heal spontaneously. In addition, tear size progresses over time and can unfortunately lead to irreversible changes in the tendon and muscle. Retraction of the tendon, scar formation, and atrophy of the muscle with infiltration of fat are all predictable changes that occur with greater chronicity of tears. These changes not only produce a weak shoulder with abnormal mechanics, but also compromise the ability to perform a surgical repair of the tendon to bone. The condition can progress to the point where the relationship between the humeral head and glenoid is permanently altered, with significant upward migration of the head. Arthritis secondary to a massive rotator cuff tear can develop as the humeral head erodes the superior glenoid and undersurface of the acromion. For throwing athletes in rehab, it's important for them to retain their velocity and control of the ball. Pedro Martinez was able to return to the major league level of baseball competition after a repair of his full-thickness tear.

Symptoms of a tear.

What does a torn rotator cuff feel like?

While rotator cuff tears may be asymptomatic, they will frequently manifest as shoulder pain, particularly at night and during activities of daily living. Patients may complain of varying degrees of shoulder weakness and variable losses of range of motion. Crepitus and swelling can occur as well. On physical exam, patients with longstanding tears may have visible atrophy of muscles around the scapula. Functional deficits often correlate with the location of the tear. Overhead activities are often the most difficult and painful.

Overhead athletes with this injury may complain of stiffness and pain during warm-up exercises. Pain is often most prominent during the acceleration phase of throwing or serving. Pitchers will often complain of a loss of velocity or ability to "control their pitch" at the mound.

What are the nonsurgical modalities available for a torn rotator cuff?

Rotator cuff exercises for rehabilitation:

Exercise is the most important and useful intervention in the nonoperative management of a torn rotator cuff. Initially, athletes should rest and avoid any provocative maneuvers that elicit discomfort. When the pain has resolved, stretching can begin. The initial focus is on obtaining full and painless range-of-motion. When this has been gradually achieved, strengthening of the intact rotator cuff muscles and associated peri-scapular musculature can ensue. Strengthening of the rhomboids, levator scapulae, trapezius, and deltoid is of tantamount importance to provide a stable platform to maximize the efficiency and function of the remaining, intact cuff tissue. Be sure to take a look at the following rotator cuff exercises which will take you through rehab for 10 weeks.

Corticosteroid Injection:

Local steroid injections in the subacromial space can function as potent anti-inflammatory agents in the subacromial bursa. They are very effective in relieving night pain and can also be used as an augment to rehabilitation exercises in patients that otherwise cannot comply secondary to discomfort. Steroids can have adverse effects on the quality of tendon tissue and healing, however, and for this reason should not be performed more than 3 times in the same shoulder and no more frequently than at least 3 months apart.

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS):

NSAIDs help to both control inflammation and relieve pain, and can be very useful as an adjunct to rehabilitation exercises in the management of the rotator. These medications can have significant gastrointestinal and renal side effects, however, and should be carefully monitored by a medical physician.

What does surgery involve for a torn rotator cuff?

Several factors influence the decision to pursue surgical treatment, including tear size and pattern, patient expectations, medical comorbidities, and occupational demands. Surgery for this injury may be performed as an open, mini-open, or entirely arthroscopic procedure.

What is involved in postoperative rehabilitation?

In the postoperative period, the arm must be protected. The forces related to daily activities with the shoulder exceed the strength of the repair and can disrupt it until some healing has occurred. A postoperative brace maintains the arm in approximately 15 degrees of abduction and prevents any overhead activity. Ice packs or custom devices that circulate cooled fluid are very useful to control pain and swelling in the immediate postoperative period.

As pain resolves, early passive range-of-motion is initiated within the first week of surgery. A physical therapist can be a very useful adjunct to this process in order to maintain a safe, supervised program. Gentle pendulum exercises in the sling, as well as passive motions in forward flexion and external rotation are continued for the first six weeks.

Strengthening Exercises. Strengthening exercises are typically delayed until 8 to 12 weeks when healing has progressed and full range-of-motion has been achieved. Start strengthening exercises only after you have your health professional's approval. Muscle strengthening with rubber tubing can be very effective and often safer than weight machines. Strengthening of the scapular stabilizers (deltoid, trapezius, rhomboids, levator scapulae, etc) is paramount to the strengthening of the rotator cuff to maintain a stable platform and favorable posture for cuff mechanics. Patients continue strengthening for up to a year or longer until satisfactory strength and function are achieved. The degree of strength achieved often relates with the severity and chronicity of the initial tear.

How long will it take for me to get back to my sport?

Just like all tears are not created equal, neither is the rehabilitation and recovery. Unfortunately, these timelines need to be individualized based on the severity of the tear and demands of your sport. Tennis, baseball, and other overhand sports can be very demanding, particularly at high-levels of competition. With these sports, a gradual return to activity is planned with your doctor. After healing has occurred, this is usually initiated through a graduated and supervised throwing program in which distance and velocity is slowly increased as tolerated over 2 to 3 months. Small or partial thickness tears will generally permit an accelerated recovery compared to large tears, but the ultimate plan to get you back on the field or court must be determined by your doctor and should reflect a balance of moving forward expeditiously without placing the repair at undue risk.

Can I prevent a torn rotator cuff?

The etiology of rotator cuff tears is multifactorial, and it is unclear with current evidence if tears can be completely prevented. Maintaining the health of the rotator cuff muscles and peri-scapular musculature, however, can certainly help to prevent injury and optimize the kinematics of the shoulder joint. These strategies are employed by elite pitchers and overhead athletes who place remarkable demands on their shoulder and rotator cuff daily. The internal rotators are inherently stronger than the external rotator muscles, and maintain a balance of these forces is important.


Gartsman GM, Khan M, Hammerman SM. Arthroscopic repair of full-thickness tears of the rotator cuff. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1998;80:832-840.

Gerber C, Schneeberger AG, Beck M, Schlegel U. Mechanical strength of repairs of the rotator cuff. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1994;76:371-380.

Altchek DW, Warren RF, Wickiewicz TL, Skyhar MJ, Ortiz G, Schwartz E. Arthroscopic acromioplasty: Technique and Results. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1990;72:1198-1207.

Neer CS II. Anterior acromioplasty for the chronic impingement syndrome in the shoulder: A preliminary report. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1972;54:41-50.

Torn Rotator Cuff

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Safety Hand Tools You Must Have

!±8± Safety Hand Tools You Must Have

Although hand tools may look harmless, they can be a cause of major injuries. An astounding percentage of all workplace accidents are associated with hand tools. The injuries can be fatal from crushed fingers to damaged eyesight. Due to such incidents, manufacturers came up with solutions to make their products more user-friendly. Check out these products that are already out in the market.

1) Non sparking, Non-magnetic Hand Tools - These are specially made from aluminum bronze or copper beryllium alloys. These tools are designed to eliminate sparks in conditions where there are combustible vapors, liquids, residues, and dust. They include hammers, striking wrenches, impact sockets, shovels and the like. Since they are corrosion-resistant, they are perfect for shipyards, paper mills, pharmaceuticals, laboratories and wine industries.

2) Insulated Hand Tools- These tools have protecting insulating materials such as rubber coating on the outside. The rubber coating prevents grounding and electric shocks from the wires inside.

3) Non-slip Tools-The handles of the tools are made from a low friction material enabling the user to grip the handles comfortably. Some tools with jaw handles are even equipped with an anti-slip device that will allow the user to press the tool in a controlled manner. The anti-slip device is placed to aid the user from having to exert much effort.

4) Auto Retractable Knives-These are knives that automatically close as soon as they are lifted from the cutting surface. Knives such as these were made to minimize unwanted cuts and lacerations brought about by cutting an object.

All manufacturers will claim that their products are guaranteed to keep you protected. Remember that it is still recommended that you take necessary precautions when working with one. Avoid working with wet hands especially if you are dealing with electricity. Protect yourself with the right gears such as gloves, hats and protective eye-wear. Read the manual of your tools and make sure that they come from a trusted brand.

Safety Hand Tools You Must Have

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Good Start Gentle Plus Formula, Powder, 25.7-Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)

!±8± Good Start Gentle Plus Formula, Powder, 25.7-Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)

Brand : Good Start | Rate : | Price : $173.53
Post Date : Nov 26, 2011 17:41:20 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • Case of six 25.7-ounce cans of powdered, easy-to-digest infant formula (total of 154.2 ounces)
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  • Contains ingredients naturally found in breast milk, plus DHA and ARA to support brain and eye development
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Good Start Gentle Plus Formula, Powder, 25.7-Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Sweet Review of Gerber Gator Knives

!±8± A Sweet Review of Gerber Gator Knives

Let's face it; life would be extremely difficult if we had no knives, in that they play an important role in day to day living. If like many others you often require a good knife then you may want to consider buying yourself a Gerber Gator Serrated Edge knife. One of the biggest advantages of this knife is that it can be used for a wide range of applications, such as when you go fishing or hunting. In fact, you'll find it comes in handy irrespective of what sort of outdoor activity you're involved in. Even if you're not the kind of person who frequently gets involved in outdoor activities, you'll still find the Gerber Gator Serrated Edge to be a valuable asset.

Starting with the blade, you'll notice that it's a tapered design which is serrated on one side. You'll also notice that it's been made using the finest stainless steel available in order to ensure that it won't rust, even when it's being frequently used outdoors in all types of weather.

When open the knife measures approximately eight inches, and when folded closed it measures just less than five inches. The manufacturers have also managed to ensure that the knife is lightweight so that it can be carried around during lengthy outdoor activities. It should be mentioned however that the light weight of the knife is due to the handle rather than the blade.

Admittedly, the blade isn't suitable for cutting through wood, but you can be guaranteed that it can cut through practically any type of rope or fabric. You'll even be able to use it in order to prepare yourself a meal in the event that you find yourself stranded far from civilization. The reason why this knife is so ideal for outdoor activities is because it's extremely robust. For example, the entire assembly is held in place by means of hardworking steel rivets, meaning that the knife is not likely to fall apart in your hands.

The handle has also been specifically designed so that it offers exceptional grip even when wet and this is largely due to the fact that it's made from high quality fiberglass. In order to provide even more grip, the handle features finger grips as well so you can be sure that no matter what you're using it for, there's just no way it will ever slip out of your hands.

The minute you pick up this knife you can immediately feel that you're holding a good quality knife. Likewise, the first time you use it you can sense that it's the type of knife that you'll be keeping for many years, in that it's clear to see that it's the type of knife that gets a job done. Of course you'll find many imitations and while some may appear to be just as good at first, you can be rest assured that not a single one of them will ever be able to match the sheer magnificence of the original Gerber Gator. If you're currently considering buying a knife then this is one which you should seriously consider, particularly if you want a knife that won't need to be replaced any time soon.

A Sweet Review of Gerber Gator Knives

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Gerber Good Start Gentle, Powder, 12.7-Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)

!±8±Gerber Good Start Gentle, Powder, 12.7-Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)

Brand : Good Start
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Price : $77.82
Post Date : Nov 21, 2011 12:42:13

Nestle Good Start milk-based formulas are the first and only infant formulas that take the extra steps to create COMFORT PROTEINS. Our unique two-step process starts with gentle 100% whey protein, the highest quality protein used in infant formula. Then, we break down this gentle whey protein ingredient into smaller pieces to be easy to digest. We call them COMFORT PROTEINS, and only GOOD START milk-based formulas have them. No other formulas take both these extra steps.

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Gerber Good Start 2 Protect Plus Powder - 24 oz. (6 Pack)

!±8±Gerber Good Start 2 Protect Plus Powder - 24 oz. (6 Pack)

Brand : Gerber
Rate :
Price : $146.94
Post Date : Nov 19, 2011 18:48:49
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Gerber Good Start 2 Protect PLUS, Powder, 24 Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)

!±8± Gerber Good Start 2 Protect PLUS, Powder, 24 Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)

Brand : Good Start | Rate : | Price : $148.89
Post Date : Oct 30, 2011 17:00:06 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Good Start Gentle Plus 2, DHA and ARA Powder with Iron, Case Pack, Six - 24 Ounce Cans (144 Ounces)

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